
Saturday, December 29, 2012

Food Not Bombs Flyer

Food Not Bombs Flyer

A few nice Food images I found:

Food Not Bombs flyer

Image by Food Not Bombs flyer
Note the heart in the bottom-right of this photo

Here’s an article I wrote about a Food Not Bombs event in early February, 2006 -
"Food Not Bombs in London, Ontario"

Tasty Food Abundance in Healthy Europe

Image by Tasty Food Abundance in Healthy Europe
Free picture of tasty food abundance in the healthy heart of Europe. This tasty photo was created for you by the cooking, best friend epSos.de and it can be used for free, if you link epSos.de as the original author of the image.

The tasty food abundance and the colourful reds of the food are very accessible in Europe, because European people are cooking more often and eating foods that are fresh from around the world.

An easy dinner in europe can be boughts ina ny self-respected supermarket for grocery supplies. Local European food is healthy, if it was cooked fresh and from raw ingredients.

A healthy diet of testy food is very easy and cheap to hav ein Europe. The diversity in the European supermarkets from Germany, Italy, Spain and France is very good. The central location of Europe is very beneficial for the food on the table. The European food basket can contain the taste health from Africa, America and Asia, because all groceries from those continents are relatively easy to ship by air.

The traditional Italian nutrition of organic food is very popular in the world. It is very important to use raw ingredients in the Italian cuisine. Vegetarian ingredients are often colourful and beautiful for ideas, but often fail at calories and nutritional value. The vegan food of the French people is often popular, because it contains fresh fruits and many nuts.

The international bank of reconstruction and development reported that association of Europe was the union of the highest importers of food in 2005, the USA followed on excision and Japan. Now the food changes and put in circulation on the global basis. A variety and availability of food any more aren’t limited to an inequality of locally cultivated food or restriction of a local growing season.

Between 1961 and 1999 were available 400 % in the world export of food. Now some countries economically depend on export of food which answers in several ambushes for more than 80 % of all export.

The concept Food encloses as an upper concept the drinking water as well as the food. Drinking water exists of water and in it to relaxed mineral substances.

As opposed to drinking water food exists in the essentials of the macronutrients â€" this are the carbohydrates, the Lipide (fats) and the proteins â€" and, hence, supply to the person chemically engaged energy.

In addition, micronutrients as amount elements and trace elements are essential components of food. Food is taken up by the person for the purpose of the nutrition or the consumption over the mouth, if necessary after other preparation.

From juridical view the luxuries count beside drinking water and food as main groups also to the food and tobacco products are excluded.

The nutritional value is the central use of food. It is 1 mA, to qualify the physiological calorific value of a food. Mostly one summarises under the concept Nutritional value only the calorific value, so to the body at the possession energy.

The amount in food rubbish, yearly in 27 member states of the EU, it is estimated in an examination published by the EU commission at approx. 89 million tonnes, up to 50% along the food supplies chain, this corresponds 179 kg per head, with big differences between the single countries and the different branches.

Besides, the waste is not included with the agricultural production or the back throw by catches in the sea yet.

The limited in time prize increase of food is called food price crisis in 2007-2008 between 2007 and 2008.

The prices of four main food rice, maize, wheat and soy bean trebled possibly between autumn, 2005 and in the middle of 2008. In 2007 a quick increase was registered and the prize points were reached in winter, 2007 and spring, 2008. 2013 is another year for price increases.

Full value nutrition calls a nutrition draught with which fresh and untreated food as well as wholemeal products is preferred. The draught is based on the whole foods of Werner Kollath.

Generally usage the concept is used often synonymously to full nutrition and whole foods. Full nutrition is based on the recommendations of the German society for nutrition and calls a mixing food draught with nutrition-medical objective.

By trend food one understands food whose consumption to a fashion-conditioned boom increases after in a certain period strongly or they come on the market generally only anew and differ from the present offer of food.

Nutrition trends are examined by scientists and market researchers for different reasons. Besides, there are only few worldwide uniform trends at the food market; the predilections concerning nutrition in Asia are not identically with those in Europe or in the USA.

Thank you for sharing this picture with your friends !

The Food Tent

Image by The Food Tent
After a refreshing shower, I stroll to the far end of Davis Park, where several pointy white tents are joined together. Near the tents are two portable banks of sinks. This must be the food area, and it is also well organized. Across from the sinks is a large piece of plywood to which newpapers and notices are attached. I freeze for a moment when I realize this is some residents’ only connection to the outside world. Their televisions and comforts of home are gone now.

The corners of notices from FEMA and the government flap in the gusty wind, pinned down by a stampede of staples. The daily newspaper rattles noisily, drowning out the sound of returning birds. The weekly comics pull a smirk to my face as they are stapled low on the board so children can read them. Thoughtful and thorough.

With dinner time approaching, people begin to gather by trees near the tent. Workers dressed in blue t-shirts and suspenders, firemen, National Guard, grey AmeriCorps shirts, and the miscellany of residents. Many workers have smudges on their faces, and it looks good. If I had not just showered, I could wear my dirt proudly here.

Meals are served three times a day for everyone. There are no punch cards or wrist bands, noone is turned away. A trailer between the food tent and portable sinks prepares meals for us. My stomach churns, trying to digest the delicious smell of ribeye steak and potatoes. The smell is too much, and a line forms out of nowhere.

As I bring my tray into the tent, I’m surprised by the noise. There are a lot of people here, and no table is empty. But the air is friendly, warmed by the collective relief of workers finally able to rest. I feel the sense of belonging, having earned my place through work. I don’t know anybody here, yet they all feel closer than a stranger.

The mini town of Davis Park is almost Utopian in its blind acceptance of people for its services, and the only currency accepted here is effort. The ten dollar bill in my pocket has not seen the sun yet, and it feels unusual yet very evolved. No doubt this operation sucks quietly at emergency funds behind the scenes, yet the appearance of this operation would be such a good model for the rest of society, if only it were possible. I start to see the idealistic intent of Communism, yet the thought is quickly banished by the reality of its failure and destitute citizens elsewhere in the world.

Indeed, how do you turn every town into Davis Park, where you are guaranteed both freedom and comfort in exchange for only your effort? America is already a mixture of Socialist programs (trash, 911, fire dept, police) and Capitalism. Perhaps Socialism, despite the bad vibe it gets from the age of MacCarthyism, is well-suited for "human-survival" services. Keep us safe and able to live, and in return we will offer our work to keep the system alive. Then, perhaps Capitalism fills the role of services beyond survival: the TV, the vacation, etc.

With this short day already drawing to a close, I return to Pratt, wondering what steps society must take today to reach this kind of harmony. But recovery is the goal right now, and tomorrow I will see what FEMA is doing about it.

Selfridges Food Court

Image by Selfridges Food Court
Decending into the madness of the food court, foolishly powered up with Nero…


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