
Friday, November 2, 2012

How to Be Happier by Consuming Less News

How to Be Happier by Consuming Less News


There are certain things in our lives that bring happiness or sow seeds of discontent. The news can be the bearer of many such seeds. As a result, you can be happier when you consume less news.

When you start the day by listening to the news and you hear about a robbery you begin to worry more for your safety and focus your attention on the bad things that might happen to you, increasing your stress level. What you focus your attention on comes into your life more often. The more attention you give to negative stories, the more negative things you will see around you and the more negative your life will become.

Some people love to watch the news. These folks may find the news doesn’t affect them strongly. Others easily pick up the negative vibrations whether they realize it or not. Growing up my father loved to have the news on all the time. He thrives on lively discussions and arguments. I would always spend my time elsewhere. Over the years I have found myself listening less and less to any type of news or talk show. My husband enjoys listening to NPR but has come to understand how the news can deeply affect me and will turn it off when I enter the room.

You may not need to cut all news from your life but I challenge you to cut news out of your life for 1 week.

Can you still be aware and educated about current events without listening to the news? Certainly, just choose your sources carefully and avoid sensationalized news that preys on your emotions. You may find that doing a quick check of headlines is all you need to do to keep aware of important events.

During a recent election season my news fast has allowed me to avoid the majority of negative political campaigns and drama that accompanies an election these days. However I was still able to participate in the vote as an informed citizen by choosing how I educate myself on the issues and not be swayed by the propaganda of either side.

Start your 7 day news fast by evaluating where your news is coming from and disconnecting:

  • TV
  • Newspaper
  • Radio
  • Online News
  • Social Media: (You need to stop any news that is sent to you automatically, such as daily headlines sent to your email or that show up automatically in your Twitter or Facebook feeds.)

What should you do in place of the news? You could listen to your favorite music or an audiobook while you run errands or commute. Better still, write down how the absence of news affects you. Do you miss it and feel disconnected? Or do you feel less stress and distraction from those you love? You may find you can connect more deeply with your family, without the nightly news to distract you.

After your 7 day news fast try replacing regular news with positive information. There are news sources that focus on reporting positive stories.

Looking for your next challenge? Try a digital fast.


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